Our Street Cover Image

Our Street Companion - Design 10


The aim for this design was to create a design that will enable me to write the companion guide to Our Street by Beck Lowe and David Holmgren for the purpose of teaching my boys and to guide me into the publishing pathway. An added bonus would be to create a guide for others to use in their pursuit of a similar goal.


“The beautiful part of writing is that you don’t have to get it right the first time…” Robert Cormier


Goal for this design


  • School Building: I want to use this guide and Our Street to create a project-based learning program for my family. 
    • Boys:
      • Through reading and project based learning, the boys will learn an overview of several subjects and be exposed to new cultural aspects of language, food, celebrations, and living life.
      • Their personal goals are to learn more about other cultures
    • Myself
      • Chance to implement my ideas 
      • Chance to receive feedback from boys and peers
      • Recognize my strengths and weakness (feedback from myself)
        • Adds richness and acceptance in myself that I can offer to others


  • Culture Building: I want to be able to publish this guide, in collaboration with the Our Street authors, to share these ideas with other families and groups around the world, and to build connections and respect for cultures, life, perspectives, celebrations, and traditions.
    • Share the ideas: 
      • Online platform to reach more families worldwide through the book as well as an online platform, while also keeping the essence of Our Street within their small group or family as Our Street was originally intended. 
    • Build connections:
      • Through their families and groups, connections will be made with family stories
      • Through the online platform connections will be made by the sharing of ideas.


  • Career Building: I want to achieve publishing this to build my permaculture career and expand the respect of colleagues.
    • Extends my knowledge of permaculture 
      • Study, write and practice with my children
    • Creates opportunities
      • Builds respect to my name
      • Speaking engagements/teaching
      • Other writing/teaching opportunities
    • Creates connections - I can share some of my ideas, experiences, and connections 
      • With other homeschoolers (groups, schools, families)
      • With other like minded people (sustainability, permaculture, homesteaders, educators, connectors)

Design Framework: SADIM

Tools used: ethics, principles, zones, sectors, client interview, input/output, brainstorm, flow diagram, PNI, SWOC, web of connections, financial analysis, principles check, cultural emergence principles, personal principles


Annette Argabright

Practical Solutions Categories
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full design
Date of design