I want to be fluent in Croatian so I can have proper conversations with the teachers of my kids, give workshops/courses in Croatian, be able to make new friends and organize fun things in our area.

I have a wish to be a more active and a more valued member in our community. I am a fountain of ideas of how to positively contribute, and the main thing that is keeping me from blooming is my language skills. So I need to speak fluent Croatian.

In this design I use Looby Macnamara's Design Web to have a different approach of the “problem” and find creative ways to reach my SMART goal. Other tools used are the principles of learning, the 7 principles of accelerated learning and learning styles. For all learning styles I wrote down some activities that might work for me, like writing Croatian in a new handwriting, watching Croatian movies with English subtitles or sing along with the Croatian rap band TBF.



Stage of design
Date of design