
About me

I live on the lands of Bogata Šuma ("Rich Forest") with my family. It is a 9 hectares/22 acres homestead in the heart of Croatia, with forests all around.
We're growing a village with like-minded people and we're growing towards self sufficiency.
At Bogata Šuma we host people who want to learn about a natural lifestyle in the countryside, both as volunteers and as participants in courses and workshops. We like to bridge the gap between permaculture designs and theory, to practical examples.
On our terrain: - ecological garden - greenhouse - food forest - food savanna - failed food forest - polyculture nut orchard - net-and-pan plum orchard - camp ground in an edible landscape.
Participated: Permaculture Design Course with Rosemary Morrow and Tina Lymberis, TPT with Mihaela Tsarchinska & Helena von Bothmer, with Looby Macnamara a facilitator training, Activating Cultural Emergence and Cultural Emergence Effective Design. Introduction to permaculture course with Taco Blom, forest garden courses with Rakesh, regenerative agriculture course with Mark Shepard. Facilitated: introduction to permaculture, practical permaculture, social permaculture and peace, Cultural Emergence Effective Design (both in person and online)