A drawing from the future

Here at Bogata Šuma in Croatia we're growing a village. Sustainable and regenerative for people and for the land, where vision, openness, drive, dedication and celebration rule.

Our aim is to live more self reliant and celebrate life in freedom and cooperation with like-minded people. People who want to live a healthy, independent life, eat from the gardens and celebrate Mother Nature. A caring village where you can grow old, where people look after each other and everyone has a purpose and a good quality life. A community designed for current and coming generations.

This design is the fundament of growing a village at Bogata Šuma. What kind of people would fit in, what culture do we want to grow, what to build and how to get to an ecosystem of low maintenance diversity in self reliance.

The time is ripe to grow a village
We are growing a village because we love this life and we want to share it. Our aim is to live more self reliant and celebrate life in freedom and cooperation with like-minded people. People who want to live a healthy, independent life, eat from the gardens and celebrate Mother Nature. A caring village where you can grow old, where people look after each other and everyone has a purpose and a good quality life. A community designed for current and coming generations.
The village area is like an ecosystem with people, structures and nature. There is food security and biodiversity in a smart and low maintenance system.
The village is beautiful and fairy tale-like, a joy to live in. It is built with wood and other local, natural materials. Simple but comfortable, cosy, low maintenance, regenerative, with future generations in mind.



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full design
Date of design