A garden for the chickens

When (in 2009) we moved from city life in The Netherlands to rural life in Croatia, one of the first things we did was building a chicken coop. Chickens seemed easy and fun farm animals for us city dwellers and we love fresh eggs.
We quickly found out that it wasn't a good idea to let them scurrying around in the garden because they pick at seedlings, lettuce and cabbage plants. They also mix up the straw mulch on the beds and wood chips mulch on the paths.
They also can't roam free on the parking spot because they might run under a car or get caught by a hawk or a playing dog.
So we needed a save space for them and made a dedicated chicken garden, attached to their stable.

I started this design in 2015 after reading Aranya's book "Permaculture Design". Over the years I learned more about happy, healthy chickens and in 2022 I finished the design for my Diploma.

Earth care: while chickens do much damage to the soil, we try to repair their damage by growing more trees and ground covering plants (like clover). We do our best to keep the soil covered by mulch/the used straw from the rabbits.
Also a bit loaded topic: all un-usable leftovers from butchering the chickens, I bury under the compost pile. In this way the chicken's return to the soil is a contribution to compost quality.

People care: chickens are entertaining, give eggs and soup-ingredients. They also do some work for us by taking care of bugs and insects, and turning the compost heap.
In this design you could also regard the chickens as beings that we like to take good care of.

Fair share: their staple food (corn) we partly buy on the local farmers market because we don't grow enough ourselves. We (humans) share our surplus of food with the chickens. We also share our surplus of land with them.

Some of the learnings from this design:

Observe well before you interact. Would I have better observed the destructive powers of chickens, I could have made the chicken garden bigger and better from the beginning Or even find another solution, like a chicken tractor or a well trained dog and good fencing to keep them out of the garden.

Catch and store energy: the chickens do some work for us but I would like to make better use of them in the nut orchard. They can help find the larvae of the moth that drills holes in our hazelnuts and destroys part of the crop.
If the chickens can't go to the nut orchard, maybe bring the nuts to the chickens and try to grow (some) hazelnut shrubs in or around the chicken garden?

We are not fully Obtaining a yield because we haven't managed to grow a good part of the chicken food ourselves. The chickens aren't a system yet.



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