Map of the nut orchard

Design for turning (part of) our terrain into a nut farm.

Here at Bogata Šuma we're happy to live a varied life with multiple income streams. We grow fruits, nuts and herbs for personal use. On the grass in between we host sheep and camping guests. The grass itself we turn into hay that we use as rabbit food. The herbs we use and sell as teas, kitchen herbs, oils, tinctures, creams and salves.
We grow a good part of our food, with which we feed ourselves, our visitors and volunteers.

Still we can do more with our land. More yield that is easy to store, and easy to make a high end product with. An investment in planting trees now, for protein sources for future generations, and added value to our land.

This nut orchard design (with its proteins and extra income potential) is part of our Bogata Šuma overall design and our design for resilience (both not public yet).



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