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Dates and times
850 Euros ( Check The website for early bird )
Course summary

Learn at one of the most established Permaculture projects in Europe—the off-the-grid Permaculture education center, Terra Alta. With 10 years as a permaculture site-in-development, a center for research and education, and with over 20 Permaculture Design Certificate Courses (PDCs) taught, Terra Alta, led by visionary Permaculture teacher Pedro Valdjiu, offers Permaculture education at the highest level. Alongside Permaculture, Terra Alta is committed to bioregionalism, evidenced by the involvement of local guest teachers and by the Waldorf school, "Escola da Terra", that Pedro Valdjiu and his life partner, educator Rita Seixas run which, together with Terra Alta form the nonprofit “Waldorf Association of Sintra”.

The two-week PDC is an internationally recognized intensive program that equips students with:
a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of Permaculture tools and know-how to design your own regenerative projects the basics for land design and whole-systems thinking tools to better navigate society as well as your own inner landscape.

The course is an introduction and stepping stone towards advanced land-design or teacher training programs. That being said, we support students’ continuing education through offering lifetime access to our knowledge base (read more about it below) and by providing recommendations for advanced programs you may want to take after the PDC. Formats vary from locale to locale, tailored to suit the local environment and expertise of the teaching team. Like other PDCs around the world, Terra Alta's PDC has at its core Bill Mollison's 72-hour curriculum. David Holmgren’s seven domains of permaculture action are also paramount in our permaculture teachings. Also in line with other PDCs, ours is designed to reflect the conditions of our locale—the beautiful bioregion of Sintra. Pedro is a certified teacher through the UK Permaculture Association.

Certified teacher
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Nina Rosner

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