Lucy Walton

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Taking new Diploma apprentices?

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About me

So hello all...I have become a DA which is all very exciting and quite overwhelming and confusing at the moment...I live in Meole Brace on the outskirts of Shrewsbury. I originated from Birmingham, huge busy city and moved across to Shrewsbury when I became a teacher and a mum. I remember feeling really privileged to live in a town which tourists visit and I felt that I was on holiday here for quite a long time. A farmers grand daughter I have always felt connected to nature, even when small and remembering the scent of the Hawthorn Trees which we played I suppose this is why I felt moving to a more rural setting just felt right. You don't always understand the responses at the time, do you? I was the teacher who created role-play corners with ponds and camping sites, all inspirational until the tadpoles in the pond grew too quickly on the cat food we were feeding them and ended up hopping around the classroom much to the delight of the squealing children. I tended to get reprimanded for messy art areas and lots of activities but generally I really enjoyed the curiosity of young minds. Which lead on to having four children of my own and lots of part time work and activities. As they have grown so has my time to focus on areas close to my heart. So here I am several years into retraining in Horticulture, Garden Design and now Permaculture....seriously this is so exciting sometimes I feel that I will burst...