
Taking new Diploma apprentices?
About me

This is a 7.5ha farm, previously used to grow wheat using traditional industrial agriculture methods.

In August 2020 we acquired the property and moved in. We are a multigenerational family motivated by a deep concern for the state of the planet and a desire to work towards a resilient future, mitigating the effects of climate change, adapting to changes that are already inevitable and increasing biodiversity. We want to regenerate the ecosystems and soils on the farm and educate ourselves and others about regenerative ecological design, agro-ecology and sustainable, self-sufficient ways of living. In our first year we have:
drawn up an initial design based on permaculture principles (attached)
identified and fenced off (for deer protection) a cultivating area (Zone 2 in permaculture terms) of about 1ha.
created six 10m x 10m no-dig vegetable beds and an orchard, erected a polytunnel and glasshouse
installed an irrigation system for the growing area (at present fed from borehole)
planted about 600 trees as hedging/shelter belt
planted a further 2500 trees through the Woodland Trust More Trees programme - some purely for wildlife, others for edible fruits/nuts and timber
started establishing a wildflower meadow
commenced work on conversion of linhay barn to additional farm accommodation