Permaculture is immersive - it opens up the door onto a whole new world of fascinating study and solutions to address local and global challenges including how to reduce waste, save water and money, eat healthier, look after soil and live sustainably. You can apply permaculture design frameworks, ethics and tools to just about anything - including your well-being, your business or your home.


“I was hooked for life: permaculture has been a major influence guiding my life and work ever since.” Malika


There are five main ways to learn permaculture - all of which are complementary and suit different learning styles, circumstances and motivations:

Learn through a structured course or programme with permaculture educators

To find a course near you - check out our course listings page and filter under the type of course you are looking for.

Learning through visiting or volunteering a LAND center and demonstration sites

Some of the best places to see permaculture in practice are the demonstration sites that are part of the Project and LAND Network. There are over 40 in the UK. Check out our interactive map to explore different projects and Land Centres around the uk and to plan your visit.

Learn in community 

By becoming a member of the Permaculture Association who will gain access to our Permaculture Community Hub where you can ask questions, share experiences, celebrate successes and get help (memberships also available for educators, or for those delivering LAND centres/projects or doing the diploma)

Learn at events

The yearly Permaculture Convergences and European convergences are great ways to get inspired by speakers and see many examples of permaculture in practice.

Learn through self study and practice

Much of the learning comes from self-study and applying permaculture in practice in your work, life and on whatever green space you have access to. There are loads of books, magazines and the Permaculture Association knowledge base to delve into. 


Still have a question about how to learn permaculture? Feel free to send us an email and we will do our best to help you: [email protected]



Become a member: join a community & save money

Joining the Permaculture Association, from just £3 a month, offers you support as a permaculture learner and connects you to the permaculture network in the UK. Members receive:

  • Course discounts: sign up to one of the Permaculture Association courses and receive a 25% discount 

  • Permaculture Works publication: 64 pages of permaculture in action, design ideas, recipes and thought provoking articles. 

  • ‘Learn about Permaculture’ email programme: each week you will learn about one of the 12 Holmgren principles of permaculture. 

  • Community News: Read all about the latest news, events, jobs and opportunities from within our network. Plus hear more about inspiring permaculture projects and ideas you can put into practise.

  • Share your work: Create your own profile, as an individual or project to showcase your work. Add an event, course or job opportunity to our noticeboard.

  • Mediation services: Find assistance to help resolve disputes and grievances.

  • Exclusive Permaculture Association discounts: Receive benefits from our partners when you join as a member. 

  • Know that your membership supports us to support permaculture across the UK and contribute to the growth of the worldwide move- ment.

Join now