Stuck in on a snow day? Want supplementary home learning resources? Or just taking the opportunity to expand your horizons? Here we have compiled a list of 8 top places to go for resources.

1. Knowledge Base

If you have a practcal 'Where can I find out about...' question, then our knowledge base is a good starting point. The practical solutions category is organised into 7 categories, covering all sectors of modern life.


Foundations of permaculture course icon2. Free Foundations of Permaculture lesson

The online Foundation in Permaculture course is based on our official Introduction to Permaculture curriculum.

The course aims to help you build resilience:

  • Apply permaculture design in your life
  • Connect with fellow learners globally and feedback on their design work
  • Includes membership of the Permaculture Association
  • Learn how to connect with people and projects in your community
  • Present your design to your fellow learners

The full course costs £59.40 members for Permaculture Association members, £99 to non-members.

Get started with the free sample lesson.


Image removed.3. Children in Permaculture

The Children in Permaculture manual is available to buy in paperback. It comes recommended by the Scottish Government and many other educators.

“Brimming with practical examples of how to support children in connecting with themselves, each other and the growing cycle. This handbook... is invaluable for parents and educators alike.” Looby Macnamara, author of People and Permaculture and 7 Ways to Think Differently, and co-founder of Cultural Emergence project.

The Children in permaculture website also links to over 200 free resources to explore!


4. YouTube Rooted Messages

We are particularly enjoying watching, listening, and reflecting on the knowledge shared in these videos from Indigenous leaders. "In this time of Covid-19 we asked 16 indigenous wisdom keepers from around the planet: ‘What does the world need to hear right now?’"


5. 52 Climate Actions

The 52 Climate Actions partnership of nine organisations came together to promote permaculture based solutions to climate change. You have the power to bring about positive change. Every action makes a difference, so start today with the theme that inspires you most.

The 52 Climate Actions website has a whole set of climate action resources and activities suitable for children.


Elements game - the cards6. Permaculture elements design game

This design elements card game from permaculture Educator member Delvin Solkinson offers a fun and creative way to learn permaculture design.

Printable basemap game boards feature 8 different sites from cool climate, tropics and drylands. 

Players are encouraged to make their own basemap game board for where they are developing a permaculture system.

Download the cards here and the base maps here.


7. Online permaculture convergence

Over 25 hours of sessions held online in October 2020 on Crowdcast. In true permaculture style, we adapted to the changing environment by taking our convergence online and we're so glad we did! Over 900 people have engaged with the sessions.

You are free to watch the replays and comment in the chat. Find the full list of sessions here.