Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Article Retrofitting a local authority house with permaculture design Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article European partners in permaculture - a better, unified, creative European network Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Calling all permaculture bright sparks Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article The Regenerative Business - redesigning work, cultivate human potential, achieve extraordinary outcomes Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article New NO DIG market garden for Manchester! Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Council Estate Permaculture: creating a resilient productive garden on a compacted lawn Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Design Feature - Edwardsville Primary School, Merthyr Tydfil Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Permaculture Explained - Observe and Interact Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article A year of permaculture gatherings - looking ahead to 2018 Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Gardens of Sancturary at farms, smallholdings and gardens across Britain Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Permaculture sewage treatment – first aid and future proofing for our rivers and seas Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Thriving Communities - where is permaculture engaging people from disadvantaged and marginalised communities? Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Many hands make light work…photo call Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Ecotourist paradise in southern Hungary Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Wild Oak Woods Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article Ganet’s Adventure School Ryan 0 10 months ago
Article How to Plant a Bare-Root Fruit Tree Ryan 0 11 months ago
Article Repurposing resources for growing food Ryan 0 11 months ago
Article Deep mulch in the UK Ryan 0 11 months ago
Article 12 books permaculture educators are reading now - with bonus podcast links Ryan 0 11 months 2 weeks ago
Article European projects news February 2021 Ryan 0 11 months 2 weeks ago
Article Permaculture Association is interviewed by Great.com Ryan 0 11 months 2 weeks ago
Article COVID-19 and the Permaculture Association response Ryan 0 11 months 2 weeks ago
Article Digital learning - best practices for educators Ryan 0 11 months 2 weeks ago
Article A tribute to Alpay Torgut Ryan 0 11 months 2 weeks ago